Sailing Vessel
Designs for Wood Construction
All prices are in US Funds
A trailerable 18' sister to our popular CAPE COD
CAT; accommodations for an adventurous couple for a week or a weekend.
SP-$35 US/ FP-$135 US
This is a 20' keel centerboard sloop. Only 2'2" draft with board up.
Plywood construction. 3 berths. A good performing little yacht.
SP-$35 US/ FP-$135 US
COD CAT A very perky 22' down east cat. Vee bottom plywood
hull; round bilge lines available with Fer-a-lite construction (or
other suitable methods if you can work it up). 2 berths, huge cockpit.
Literally dozens built and a very successful design.
US/ FP-$195 US
BANKS 22 A dory hulled 22' ketch. Perky fin keel hull
with skeg rudder. Flat bottom plywood construction; seam batten carvel
topsides optional. Many amateur built. Has completed voyages from San
Francisco to Alaska.
US/ FP-$195 US
Centerboard gaff 25' sloop. A perky daysailer and weekender
for the skipper who cherishes a very traditional flush deck, gaff rigged
cutter. Strip planked, round bilged hull.
US/ FP-$295 US
25' Cape
Cod cat boat. Plans for conventional carvel planked construction or
double chine plywood hull available. The latter hull could be built in
steel as well. Very traditional type. 4 berths. Enclosed head. A well
proven design.
US/ FP-$450 US
25'9" modeled after a Maine Eastport pinky, a seaworthy commercial
fishing boat of the late 1800's. She offers a large cockpit for
daysailing plus good cruising accommodations for a couple.
Construction is of strip planking and the simple, oldtime rig will
attract attention wherever she sails.
SP-$60 US/ FP-$450 US
Modified dory hull; an able, full keel 28' auxiliary
designed for ply bottom and strip planked topsides. Gaff sloop, ketch,
schooner or Bermudan ketch rigs. 4 berths, enclosed head and 5'6" headroom.
Handsome and able vessel.
US/ FP-$295 US
photo to see larger image |
SHARPIE 32' sharpie ketch. Plywood construction, double
ended pinky stern. Very handsome yacht. 4 berths, ob motor in well.
Has reached at 10 knots under sail.
US/ FP-$295 US
TERN 32' ketch with vee hull for plywood or carvel planking,
outboard rudder,
full keel. Has voyaged from New Orleans to Turkey and return. Accommodations
for up to 5, but 2-3 is better. A boat that can go anywhere.
US/ FP-$395 US
attractive full keel ketch for a couple or small family. Construction is
of strip planking on bulkhead frames, designed with the amateur builder
in mind. Over 40 of these yachts have been
built and have proven their seaworthiness in an Atlantic hurricane and a
China Sea typhoon.
SP-$60 US/ FP-$495 US
INGENUE 33' wineglass hull is available as a schooner or cutter and
with extended stern. As a schooner she has an enviable racing record
and is a proven performer. Construction is strip planking on bulkhead
US/ FP-$495 US
33'strip planked, blue water cutter. Classic styling with
a sweeping sheer, but modern fin / skeg underbody. She has a
roomy galley, spacious head, and accommodations for 4 to 5.
SP-$60 US/ FP-$750 US
34' true blue water cutter with moderate fin
keel and skeg rudder. Roomy, comfortable and seaworthy. Strip planked
on laminated backbone and bulkhead framing.
US/ FP-$895 US
G.T. WHITE 35' husky sloop or cutter rigged cruiser, available
as center or aft cockpit. Round-bilged, carvel planked, full keel hull.
A go-anywhere cruiser.
US/ FP-$495 US
MB&S 35
35'to 37'
well proven full keel, ocean going cutter with excellent accommodations
for a family, or two couples, for extended blue water cruising.
Construction is of strip planking on bulkhead framing and plans are
available as flush deck or traditional trunk cabin versions.
SP-$75 US/ FP-$695 US
37', fast, strip planked double ended ketch or cutter. Available
with fin keel/c.b. or deep 6' fin. Center cockpit layout accommodates
6-7 in 3 cabins.
US/ FP-$895 US
39', large and traditional version of the Friendship Sloop with a
lovely sheer line and clipper bow so characteristic of this type.
SP-$90 US/ FP-$995 US
42 Burl Ives and Raymond Burr have owned one of these
clipper bowed, center cockpit ketches. Wineglass hull, full keel, carvel
or strip planked. A real seagoing, live aboard cruiser.
US/ FP-$1395 US
TROUBADOR A handsome 42' pilot house sloop. Fin keel, spade rudder. Nicely
balanced ends and a sweet sheer line. Epoxy strip/laminated construction.
Accommodates 6-7 but 2 couples could cruise for months in her. Stall
shower, large galley. Also available for aluminum construction.
US/ FP-$1095 US
VELVET II A 43' strip planked, center cockpit, fin keel
sloop/cutter. Fast and weatherly; a sister won 1st overall PHRF in the
'83 Swiftsure race. 6-7 berths in 3 cabins, 2 heads. One of my favorite
US/ FP-$1495 US
OF WONDER 45' pinky keel schooner. Strip planked. A true
classic with her gaff rig, clipper bow and long sprit. Accommodates
6-7 in 3 cabins.
US/ FP-$1795 US
46' pilot schooner. Another handsome full keel
gaff rigger with sweeping sheer, but with plumb bow and raking transom.
Carvel planked on oak frames. A beauty, and surprisingly fast. 8 berths
in 3 cabins.
US/ FP-$1795 US
54' pilot house ketch well suited for live-aboard or world
cruising. Traditional wood construction is designed to husky scantling rules and
her keel/centerboard design offers shoal draft for exploring the world's
less traveled waters. A large galley and comfortable
accommodations for 6 to 8 persons provide versatility as a private yacht
or as a crewed charter vessel.
SP-$110 US/ FP-$2995 US
III 61' classic centerboard ketch, originally designed
for charter service. Sleeps up to 8 in 4 cabins. Huge aft cockpit. Carvel
double planked hull. A very powerful craft. The original is now at the
bottom off Machias, ME with a cargo of salty marijuana. Ideal smuggler's
US/ FP-$2195 US
photo to see larger image |
OF LIFE 68' gaff schooner. Strip plank on laminated frames.
Accommodates 10-12 in 5 cabins and features huge saloon, large galley,
roomy pilot house. This large, traditional schooner can spread close
to 4000 sq. ft. of sail and is an ideal charter cruiser.
US/ FP-$5995 US
We accept US
& CDN personal checks & Money Orders (be sure they are cashable outside the
US) by mail. Western Union
money transfers can also be used, please e-mail details to Make checks, money orders
and Western Union transfers payable to
Betty Brewer or
Brewer Yacht Design,
as my wife does all the banking.
We also accept Visa & MasterCard by phone, credit cards only.
No debit cards or
PayPal, please.
Be sure to include your full mailing
address. The plans
cannot be sent via e-mail. All plans are shipped
folded and
via airmail.
We do not share
customer information with anyone without the customer's express
It usually takes 4 to 5 days for delivery in Canada, a week to
the US, and 10 days to two weeks to the rest of the world. Mail to a few
countries may take as much as three weeks.
Order Cost |
Canada |
United States |
International |
Up to $50.00 |
$2.95 |
$5.15 |
$10.30 |
$50.01 to $100.00 |
$5.05 |
$10.30 |
$20.60 |
$100.01 to $500.00 |
$10.10 |
$20.60 |
$41.20 |
$500.01 and over |
We will |
calculate |
rate |
Express delivery, please
contact us.
Rolled prints are too
expensive to mail, check with us on other options.
Mailing rolled prints costs 5 or more times
the cost of folded prints.
All plans are
sold on a no exchange, no return basis
Brewer Yacht
1825 Evergreen Drive
Agassiz, BC
Canada VOM 1A3
Phone 604-796-3732 Fax 604-796-3738